Distributed Database Concepts

NewSQL is the latest technological development within the big data management landscape that is enjoying a fast growth rate in
NoSQL Databases The term NoSQL, meaning “Not Only SQL”, first appeared in the late 1990s in reference to the new
Until several years ago, the database world was simple and all SQL. Nowadays, we also have NoSQL and NewSQL. Now
What is the CAP theorem? It is actually a misnomer and a poorly understood result of distributed systems theory. Let’s
Shared-nothing has become the dominant parallel architecture for big data systems, such as MapReduce and Spark, analytics platforms, NoSQL databases
Cluster Replication and Logarithmic Scalability If you have been using cluster replication with some open source operational database, you might
Scalability & Performance What is scalability? Scalability is an overloaded term that has been perverted by technical marketing to confuse